Am Nachmittag des 4. November, Direktor Zhang Xiaomin vom Chaozhou-Zoll, begleitet von ihrem Team, besuchte PITO Technology für eine Forschungssitzung im Rahmen der Anerkennung des Unternehmens als AEO (Zugelassener Wirtschaftsbeteiligter) Unternehmen. Dieser Besuch vertiefte die Beziehung zwischen den Zollbehörden und dem Unternehmen, and provided valuable advice for improving business management and strengthening foreign trade operations.

Während des Besuchs, Director Zhang toured PITO’s production facility, including the Smart Manufacturing Platform, the SKK intelligent rolling production line, CNC engraving machines, and tunnel kilns, among other advanced production equipment.

General Manager Xu Ruisheng provided an overview of the company’s development, product characteristics, and market positioning. He also expressed sincere gratitude to the leadership of Chaozhou Customs for their continued support and assistance.

Through a closer look at the product designs and color applications, the customs leaders gained a deeper and more direct understanding of PITO’s porcelain products. They offered high praise and recognition for the quality and craftsmanship of the products.

Through this visit and report, Chaozhou Customs gained a comprehensive understanding of the development of Guangdong PITO Technology Co., GmbH. This not only strengthened the relationship between the customs authorities and the company but also provided strong support for PITO Technology’s sustainable and stable growth in the dynamic international trade environment. It will further promote the high-quality development of PITO’s foreign trade exports.
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